Adventure VR Simulation Crazy Pipe
Special for the company Xtrematic and the attraction Extreme-Machine studio DREAMPIX was created a series of films about extreme sports.
You fall into the secret dimension in space! This is a real portal, which you need to go at a crazy speed! On this difficult path, unexpected turns and unpredictable obstacles await you! No time to think! It will be necessary to act here and now! You will fly with lightning speed in space! It is necessary to make decisions quickly and to follow the road! Exit into open space is a dream and the virtual reality is giving you this opportunity! The final countdown has started!
Age limit: 10+
Format: Full HD stereo video, support oculus VR tracking
Planned duration: to 5 min
Try something you’ve never experienced before but always wanted to. Visit places you’ve never been to before but always wished you could. Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports! Why are VR-extreme sports more popular than ever? Extreme sports are recreational activities perceived as involving a high degree of risk. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear. Ready to feel your pulse racing? Virtual Reality Attraction Extreme-Machine is an extreme sports simulator that works with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Samsung Gear glasses.